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Company Information


YTS JAPAN is a manufacturer of high quality fully engineered Air Operated Double Diaphragm pumps. First founded in Tokyo, Japan in 1966 by the late Mr. Shotaro Yamada, YTS specializes in manufacturing and distribution of AODD pumps with all research, design, manufacturing and assembling taking place within its 2 main plants currently.

YTS produced its first injected plastic chemical pumps in the 1970s and since then has become one of the world’s leading diaphragm pump manufacturers with many satisfied customers all around the world. Originally started as a pump design house, in 2012, YTS became a company carrying out sales & distribution directly into the global pump market.

All YTS pumps are designed for ease of use and maintenance over a long lifetime.

Access map

YTS Japan Co., Ltd.

598-10 Monoi, Yotsukaido City, Chiba, Japan, 284-0012
phone : +81 43 310 6606
email : sales@yts-pump.com

YTS Japan Sakura Plant

1-298-11, Osaku, Sakura City, Chiba, Japan, 285-0802

YTS Pump Engineering BV

Logistiekweg 26, 7007 CJ Doetinchem, Netherlands
phone : +31-(0)857 607060
email : info@yts-pumps.com

Security Trade Control

YTS’s commitment to Security Trade Control

It is an international agreement to control the trade which may jeopardize the maintenance of global peace and security, and in Japan, the trade of the controlled products (and technologies) and trade for the countries, users and applications with security concerns are controlled by the government.

In order to contribute to the maintenance of global peace and security, and to comply with laws and regulations relevant to the security trade control, we, YTS establish a global and group-wide security trade control system where our security trade control activities are promoted under our president as the chief executive of security trade control and the person in charge of security trade control in all departments and group companies.

Also, as there are a number of controlled products in our product line and we have a responsibility to avoid unlawful trade of those products to be carried out by the third parties, we apply our security trade control system to our domestic transactions in addition to our export transactions in line with the intent of the relevant laws and regulations.

YTS’s basic policy of Security Trade Control

We are promoting our security trade control under the following basic policy.

  1. We will carry out our export transaction of controlled products and/or international transfer of controlled technology in strict compliance with applicable laws and regulations relevant to security trade control.
  2. In order to implement the appropriate security trade control and strict compliance with relevant laws and regulations in all departments throughout the company, CEO, as the chief executive of our overall security trade control system, and the security export control office, as the administrative divisions of security trade control, will aim to develop and enhance our security trade control system to be thorough.
  3. We will promote the security trade control in our overseas affiliates in the level equivalent to YTS in consideration of laws and regulations of each country and those of Japan which are established based on the international treaties.

YTS’s practice policy of Security Trade Control

  1. Product Classification
    “Product Classification” is the judgment if the product is controlled or non-controlled under security trade control laws and regulations.
    In order to make reliable judgment of Product Classification under Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law and its relevant laws and regulations in Japan, we check the Product Classification of our product doubly by engineering department and security export control office for assurance.
  2. Transaction Screening
    In order to detect the controlled transaction of which the destination country, end-user and/or application of the product fall into security concerns, we will conduct transaction screening on both of direct and indirect export transactions including transactions of non-controlled products.
  3. License Application
    We will apply for an export license from the Japanese government properly for the transaction fall into the conditions stipulated in the security trade control laws and regulations.
  4. Shipment Control
    In order to prevent inadvertent violation of security trade control laws and regulations, we will verify “Product Classification”, “Result of Transaction Screening”, “Applicable Export License”, and “Contents of Cargo” of each export shipment at the time of shipment out of our facility.
  5. Audit
    In order to ensure strict compliance with laws and regulations and appropriate self-management of security trade control throughout the company, we will conduct audits of all business departments including overseas affiliates on a regular basis.
  6. Training
    In order to ensure an appropriate implementation of security trade control throughout the company, we will conduct training to all relevant officers and employees to improve their knowledge and ability of security trade control periodically.
  7. Document Control
    We will keep the documents and records relating to the export transactions of controlled products properly in accordance with the provisions of security trade control laws and regulations.
  8. Report
    If we have committed a violation or a possible violation of security trade control laws and regulations, we will make a prompt report to competent authority and take necessary measures for the prevention of recurrence.

Issue of Product Classification Documents

< To the customers in Japan >

When you export the controlled product out of Japan and apply for an export license from the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry in Japan, you need to submit a document showing the Product Classification and its supporting data of said product.

Please contact YTS for Product Classification Document of our products.

Please note that you are required to fill in the contents of your export transaction on our “Product Classification Document Request Form” according to our internal regulation for strict compliance with security trade control laws and regulations.

Request to the customers

We will ask for your understanding and cooperation for the request we may make corresponding to the security trade control laws and regulations.

< To the customers outside Japan >

When we made an export contract which requires the export license from the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry in Japan, we will ask the customer to submit the “End Use Certificate” at the time of contract.

We also may ask the customer to submit the “Confirmation of Installation” after delivery if it is required by the government in the export license.

< To the customers in Japan >

  1. When we received direct or indirect export inquiry, we may ask the customer to provide us the information regarding destination, end-user, application and installation site of our products to conduct our internal verification in compliance with the security trade control laws and regulations.
  2. When we knew that the customer has an intention to export our products out of Japan, we may ask the written confirmation that the customer will comply with the security trade control laws and regulations without fail.
  3. When we found that the transaction with the customer fell into possible violation of security trade control laws and regulations, we may decline the transaction with the customer.

Environmental Initiatives

YTS recognizes the importance of considering social and environmental impacts during the manufacturing process to provide excellent products; therefore, YTS is working on various environmental improvement activities not only within the premises but also in the areas surrounding our factories.

Energy Saving Efforts

Power Saving

YTS has introduced an LPG heater system in the Headquarters building in Yotsukaido to help shift the peak time of maximum power consumption. By using this system during the peak of local power demand, in winter mornings and evenings, YTS has achieved its target of reducing power consumption by 15 percent (from 2011).

LPG Facilities

In FY 2012, to help reduce annual power consumption by 15 percent (from 2011), YTS established a power saving committee to conduct various improvements as well as awareness activities, such as visualizing power consumption (displaying power consumption on all electric products) and installing suggestion boxes, under the theme of “Company-wide sharing of knowledge and consideration of energy saving.” As a result, all employees were made aware of and strove to achieve the target.

3R Activities in YTS
Within all of its production activities, YTS places a great importance on the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
Reduce: Actively encourage the use of returnable packaging boxes from suppliers to help reduce the amount of waste materials accumulating at the company.
Reuse: Reuse all packaging materials where and when possible.
Recycle: Classify and separate all waste materials discharged from the company to make it easier to recycle.

Social Activities

As well as protecting the environment for the next generation, YTS strives to convey the enjoyment of manufacturing valuable and useful products, and to help create a brighter future for our children.